Thursday, October 7, 2010

10 Ways to survive the heart breaks that come our way

1.Get your best friend for a lover. That makes so much sense if you think about it
2.Have a set of values. For me Trust and understanding helped because of the distance
3.Pray about it. God gives us love.
4.Just let go your heart. If he or she was going to play you, she or he surely will
5.Speak to each other. Just try, jokes will do and anything to get you talking about anything
6.Build memory bank. Whenever you meet, pick out something special and write it down. I have several notes of hundreds of our meetings. Keep diaries and exchange. I have a list of hundreds of the special sms’s from ebony on my machine that crushed.
7.Don’t date if you can’t marry.Ah ha but it’s true. It saves everyone time
8.Have a shared vision .It could be the new software or book coming or idea you are working on
9.Commit. Commit to yourself, to your God and to your friends.
10.Cultivate that garden. There is always a garden of love. Do flowers, do poems, do a chat call when Safaricom is not killing you!

Naet Inspire
Touch, lead, Inspire
By Tim Kipchumba

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