Wednesday, September 8, 2010


There are so many times in life, when we need a helping hand, the assuarance that things will be alright. We search, we hope,we pray, but things just do not seem to be working. That caring and comforting arm,is no where within our reach. Majority of us have such moments in life,which we term as 'those dark days'.

It is important to recognise that each of us has a hero inside of us. No matter how difficult life may seem to be, we have the will-power within us, to turn our life around. People will not always be there for us,but we will always have that voice inside of us, to give us the extra push and moral that we need when we are at the verge of giving up.

Each of us has been gifted with that inner voice of encouragement. All we have to do is recognise it. That kind touch, that loving look, that honest compliment, or that comforting hug, may not be available. In those dark moments, all we have to do, is look deep within ourselves, and find that we are much much more, than what we feel on the outside.

Sometimes, we may be discouraged by the fact that, not everyone is ready or happy to celebrate in our achievements. With time, we will come to see that what matters most, is what we think, and want for ourselves. Like Joel Osteen said in one of his services "I may not have your approval, but i know that i have God's approval, and that's what counts."

In conclusion, we should be in a position to encourage ourselves, to talk to ourslves, and see the best in us, even when nobody else does. We should afford to put a smile on our faces, when all we would rather do is sulk. Life is what we make it, not how we take it.

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