Friday, July 2, 2010

10 Ways to pass with first class in your Degree

1.God. When the stress is amazing, just shout a few words to God

2.Don’t be a nut.

3.Decide you can do it. You can do it for mum, dad, village(like me), for the job, for the fun of it, to prove to yourself

4.Group work. Harambee is the best word for what a team of your best pals can do to get you that first class. Synergy as my friend Rosemary says. Get a team leader or group leader who pushes you to do the unthinkable!

5.Understand the teachers’ paradigm and thought. Very handy when you cant get the time to read and exams are around

6.Try and sit at the front. Not literally, but at least get somewhere where you will not be tempted to sleep.

7.Celebrate campus. Laugh it of, pray that you get fun people, Sell tickets, Execute all the trips, write, join a club, cheer up, bask when you can, read a little bit, just have fun.

8.Do all your assignments. Assignments matter because it tell the lecturer you don’t deserve an A if you miss them and because it gives the much needed marks if the exam is hard to crack

9.Don’t miss your CAT’s. Dont miss the CATs if you can, please don’t.
10.Read the last minute like madness.

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