Friday, July 2, 2010

Fortitude , Courage to hang on

Fortitude is that quality in the human spirit, to do the things we want to do, the things we know are right. It is the quality to helps us finish the things we start. To be true to the resolutions you made. It is the courage to stick to the noble things that we want to do everyday…….

So are you keeping the commitments you made early in the year? Are keeping to the noble things you set out to do? Are you saving SOME money for what you set out to do? Are you keeping to 3 beers instead of the 5 you used to do every week? Are you making time for the friends? Are you doing something for someone who needs help?

Are you working hard? Are you working smart? Are you following your dream? Are you making the little self sacrifices so that you can learn to strengthen your will? Are you hanging on with the biblical readings? Do you at least pray? Do you even attend church to learn from Christ? Are you reading at least 1 book in a month or in 2 months. Are you doing the businesses you set out to do?

Are you doing your work to make God happy? Are you turning to little ordinary things to prayer and worship so that you may meet Christ in them? Are you doing everything with love so that your life becomes reason to share God’s love and human love? Are you conquering your self so that you become less selfish, more loyal, ore humble, more human?

Do you remember that Jesus was 100% God and 100% man and that this requires us to be as much human as possible? Did you realize that, Christ spent 33 years on earth and only 3 years were in public life? That means that Jesus was an ordinary child (born in a menger), an ordinary teen (as curious 12 year old) as we all were, as simple and hardworking young adult as a carpenter?( his earthly fathers trade)?Did you know that he spent 30 years of his life as an ordinary person, 91% of his life, and that we do need to pick up our ordinary lives and offer them to God, so that we may be accomplished? That exemplifies the need to be fully human. Meaning to be honest, humble, of service, loving, freer, faithful, industrious.

Yes, today, we remind ourselves to hang on, to have fortitude and courage to do the things we set out to do for God, for fellow men.It could be work, family, leisure, training, friends, the teens, church! It could be anything!

Important thing is to turn them with love, with excellence for the love of God and fellow human. That happiness involves turning everything we do, with humility, sacrifice, love, courage, to make God happy and serve fellow men. True happiness is not only conquering self to serve others, to excel in our jobs( i am doing emails in work, which is wrong), to make God happy!

Hang On!

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