Friday, October 8, 2010

Unstoppable Teens: 10 Ways to survive the heart breaks that come our ...

Unstoppable Teens: 10 Ways to survive the heart breaks that come our ...: "1.Get your best friend for a lover. That makes so much sense if you think about it 2.Have a set of values. For me Trust and understanding h..."

Dedication to My Love on Graduation and Mention to All Graduating

I dedicate this to you if you graduated or hope to graduate!

Your college graduation Ebony,
Fills me with love and pride.
I always knew that you could do,
Whatever you really tried.
It's been long and challenging journey
To get a to here today,
To get sit for the Board exam,
But you wouldn't quit it, you just went and did it.

And I am beaming affectionately,
Your family is happy,
Our friends are happy,
Your achievement is awesome, Ebony,
You've worked hard and you've passed the test.
I love you so, and I want you to know,
I think you're the best!

Today is the first big step MY DEAR,
For knowledge is the special key,
To winning what you want in life.
And being who you want to be.
If you'll always be a student,
If we will always be a student,
You'll find the secrets to success
And travel on the golden road
To good fortune, peace and happiness

To God I want to thank,
For the energy He gave you,
For the passion,
For the great friends he gave you,
For the gift of understanding,
Today is a great day, because of Him.

As we grew up Ebony,
In high school and even in primary,
We believed we could be what we wanted to be,
You believed we could meet in college,
That you could host me in college,
You have done more than that,
The future is what we make it to be,
It's what God helps us to make it be,
Today is a living testimony of that.

The 6th December shall be a day we will wear gowns,
To signify your achievement ebony,
They will be days we will relive in our life,
6th Dec of every year will be a dedication to you, To God,
To the Journey of greatness that just begun
The 6th is not just a day,
A day where you got a certificate,
Its a day of the dreams realized,
A day of great beginnings for us
A day of great beginning for you.

Today you begin to fly like an eagle,
You begin to soar the skies,
You begin to live the dream,
You love biochem,
You are a lab technologist,
The journey of touring the skies,
The skies of all possibilities is shaping up,
Ebony today is just an anticipation of the best.
Tomorrow belongs to the faithful and the prepared.

For a close to decade our friendship as grown,
Our friendship unbroken,
Our love blossomed,
Our communication improved,
Our friends changed,
Today is a memorable day,
Like the day I visited you at high school with revision papers,
Today, the 6th is a day for our life calendar,
I propose we call it,

This day means a future without boundaries,
A world that's full of energy and fun,
The beginning of the making of one greater future,
So as you reach for all life has to offer,
Remember that you're second to no one.

From Kip(Ivory)

· · Share

    • Muendo Joseph You must have had a good time in campo. A nice article ....... cheers
      July 28, 2008 at 7:55pm ·
    • Rosemary Kibui Kip,but do you say!kudos man..ebony is a lucky girl.
      July 28, 2008 at 9:09pm ·
    • Janet Bett Nice one Tim... Keep goin
      July 29, 2008 at 1:05am ·
    • Evans Kibet That is cool u r mu man in writing such stuff, really Ebony should be lucky to have u
      July 29, 2008 at 8:50am ·
    • Lilian Machasio gosh kip,ur making me cry.
      July 30, 2008 at 1:43pm ·
    • Emma Ntabo hey kip,
      thats sweet, honest and deep. you really are good at writing. u shud try and cah on it. that is real talent my friend.
      September 5, 2008 at 3:16pm ·
    • Ebony Jerono thanks honey u've always been thea 4 me.lucky soy
      October 15, 2009 at 4:32pm ·
    • Irvin Homem One word: "Talent"
      October 15, 2009 at 5:46pm ·

Thursday, October 7, 2010

10 Ways to survive the heart breaks that come our way

1.Get your best friend for a lover. That makes so much sense if you think about it
2.Have a set of values. For me Trust and understanding helped because of the distance
3.Pray about it. God gives us love.
4.Just let go your heart. If he or she was going to play you, she or he surely will
5.Speak to each other. Just try, jokes will do and anything to get you talking about anything
6.Build memory bank. Whenever you meet, pick out something special and write it down. I have several notes of hundreds of our meetings. Keep diaries and exchange. I have a list of hundreds of the special sms’s from ebony on my machine that crushed.
7.Don’t date if you can’t marry.Ah ha but it’s true. It saves everyone time
8.Have a shared vision .It could be the new software or book coming or idea you are working on
9.Commit. Commit to yourself, to your God and to your friends.
10.Cultivate that garden. There is always a garden of love. Do flowers, do poems, do a chat call when Safaricom is not killing you!

Naet Inspire
Touch, lead, Inspire
By Tim Kipchumba

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


There are so many times in life, when we need a helping hand, the assuarance that things will be alright. We search, we hope,we pray, but things just do not seem to be working. That caring and comforting arm,is no where within our reach. Majority of us have such moments in life,which we term as 'those dark days'.

It is important to recognise that each of us has a hero inside of us. No matter how difficult life may seem to be, we have the will-power within us, to turn our life around. People will not always be there for us,but we will always have that voice inside of us, to give us the extra push and moral that we need when we are at the verge of giving up.

Each of us has been gifted with that inner voice of encouragement. All we have to do is recognise it. That kind touch, that loving look, that honest compliment, or that comforting hug, may not be available. In those dark moments, all we have to do, is look deep within ourselves, and find that we are much much more, than what we feel on the outside.

Sometimes, we may be discouraged by the fact that, not everyone is ready or happy to celebrate in our achievements. With time, we will come to see that what matters most, is what we think, and want for ourselves. Like Joel Osteen said in one of his services "I may not have your approval, but i know that i have God's approval, and that's what counts."

In conclusion, we should be in a position to encourage ourselves, to talk to ourslves, and see the best in us, even when nobody else does. We should afford to put a smile on our faces, when all we would rather do is sulk. Life is what we make it, not how we take it.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Unstoppable Teens: Unstoppable Teens: What should high school be?

Unstoppable Teens: Unstoppable Teens: What should high school be?: "Unstoppable Teens: What should high school be?: 'High school should be a time to make wise choices, have fun, make friends, excel,pursue pas..."

10 Ways to pass with first class in your Degree

1.God. When the stress is amazing, just shout a few words to God

2.Don’t be a nut.

3.Decide you can do it. You can do it for mum, dad, village(like me), for the job, for the fun of it, to prove to yourself

4.Group work. Harambee is the best word for what a team of your best pals can do to get you that first class. Synergy as my friend Rosemary says. Get a team leader or group leader who pushes you to do the unthinkable!

5.Understand the teachers’ paradigm and thought. Very handy when you cant get the time to read and exams are around

6.Try and sit at the front. Not literally, but at least get somewhere where you will not be tempted to sleep.

7.Celebrate campus. Laugh it of, pray that you get fun people, Sell tickets, Execute all the trips, write, join a club, cheer up, bask when you can, read a little bit, just have fun.

8.Do all your assignments. Assignments matter because it tell the lecturer you don’t deserve an A if you miss them and because it gives the much needed marks if the exam is hard to crack

9.Don’t miss your CAT’s. Dont miss the CATs if you can, please don’t.
10.Read the last minute like madness.

Life,Meaning and Happiness

Every morning each one of us wakes up to do something. For the most it is jobs, for some it is business and for some few, looking for both, business and jobs. In this week’s Life Series, we ask one question, what makes a meaningful life?

Meaning is the substance that makes life worth living. It connects our lives to happiness. It makes each of our days, however stressing, or boring or mundane meaningful. It gives us reason to wake up each day. It gives us purpose. It rallies our imaginations, intellects, energy, passion, creativity into whatever we do!

People find meaning in making money. Some in reaching out. We hear of a Beverly Hills debutante, rich, successful, lived in Hollywood, who gave up all she had to work in La Mesa, a Mexican prison. She found meaning and happiness. We also hear of the polish priest, Maximilian, who got a PhD in Philosophy and Theology, but he gave up his life so that another man may live.

Then there are many more extra-ordinary lives that people have lead, and they found meaning and Happiness. They include the stories you know. Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian lawyer who sacrificed so much to fight for the dignity of his people. Mother Teresa, the nun who gave up teaching and comforts to be with the sick, unloved, old. Then we meet the Martin Luther King Jnr, who earned his PhD at 25, had a life of great promise and could have earned his life in academia and preaching. He sacrificed so much, sometimes to the discomfort of his wife and four lovely kids to fight for equality in the American society.

Richard Branson has found meaning creating Virgin brands all over the world, Warren B in leading people and allocating capital, Bill Gates in taking on the personal computer software, games and more recently in taking on health and poverty.

So where and how can we find meaning? For us, whatever we are doing, we just need to deliver, in the extra-ordinary causes like great people we have mentioned and in the ordinary things. We can find meaning in our daily duties, daily jobs by doing it with love, For God and fellow humankind. We can stretch our days, we can strive more, we can think and do more innovatively, and we can do our work with a bit more diligence for this goal.

The key thing to remember is that our lives have a noble purpose and we should strive humanly to reach that purpose. We need to retain the child-like wonder, the can –do idealism of our teenage years as we strive for that noble life. We should keep in mind that, whatever is noble, excellent, great, lovely, we should do and think about those things. In the process, without looking for meaning, we will find it plus all the success we want.

Maybe you are asking anything practical that I can do? How about doing your work diligently? Or studying more? Or praying for someone? Or joining a community service club? Or mentoring a kid? Or just being personally a God’s friend? Those simple things can help us find that meaning that brings happiness to our lives.

Fortitude , Courage to hang on

Fortitude is that quality in the human spirit, to do the things we want to do, the things we know are right. It is the quality to helps us finish the things we start. To be true to the resolutions you made. It is the courage to stick to the noble things that we want to do everyday…….

So are you keeping the commitments you made early in the year? Are keeping to the noble things you set out to do? Are you saving SOME money for what you set out to do? Are you keeping to 3 beers instead of the 5 you used to do every week? Are you making time for the friends? Are you doing something for someone who needs help?

Are you working hard? Are you working smart? Are you following your dream? Are you making the little self sacrifices so that you can learn to strengthen your will? Are you hanging on with the biblical readings? Do you at least pray? Do you even attend church to learn from Christ? Are you reading at least 1 book in a month or in 2 months. Are you doing the businesses you set out to do?

Are you doing your work to make God happy? Are you turning to little ordinary things to prayer and worship so that you may meet Christ in them? Are you doing everything with love so that your life becomes reason to share God’s love and human love? Are you conquering your self so that you become less selfish, more loyal, ore humble, more human?

Do you remember that Jesus was 100% God and 100% man and that this requires us to be as much human as possible? Did you realize that, Christ spent 33 years on earth and only 3 years were in public life? That means that Jesus was an ordinary child (born in a menger), an ordinary teen (as curious 12 year old) as we all were, as simple and hardworking young adult as a carpenter?( his earthly fathers trade)?Did you know that he spent 30 years of his life as an ordinary person, 91% of his life, and that we do need to pick up our ordinary lives and offer them to God, so that we may be accomplished? That exemplifies the need to be fully human. Meaning to be honest, humble, of service, loving, freer, faithful, industrious.

Yes, today, we remind ourselves to hang on, to have fortitude and courage to do the things we set out to do for God, for fellow men.It could be work, family, leisure, training, friends, the teens, church! It could be anything!

Important thing is to turn them with love, with excellence for the love of God and fellow human. That happiness involves turning everything we do, with humility, sacrifice, love, courage, to make God happy and serve fellow men. True happiness is not only conquering self to serve others, to excel in our jobs( i am doing emails in work, which is wrong), to make God happy!

Hang On!

What should high school be?

We believe high school should be a time to have fun, make friends, get mentors, pursue what we like, shine, make wise choices, to excel

Unstoppable Teens: What should high school be?

Unstoppable Teens: What should high school be?: "High school should be a time to make wise choices, have fun, make friends, excel,pursue passions, build interests,be in a team,use mentors. ..."

What should high school be?

High school should be a time to make wise choices, have fun, make friends, excel,pursue passions, build interests,be in a team,use mentors.

Unstoppable team


The book Unstoppable, has its central theme being that high school should be fun.Fun to be, fun to study, to play, to dream, to waken talent, to develop skill, to make friends.

We found several ways to make high school both fun and possible to achieve excellence.

It has 10 chapters, with 10 funny illustrations, 100 pages and written to be understood and fun to read.

Unstoppable Authors

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


There is a fountain of youth: It is your mind, your talents, the creativity, you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age” -Sophia Loren, Italian Actress and winner of Grammy Award and Academy Award for Best Actress

We wrote this book because high school is an IMPORTANT period in someone’s life. Whole rounded individuals of exemplary character have a high chance of excelling in the world we live in and that journey can begin in high school. This book is about having fun and excelling in high school life.

You have challenges in high school. They could be lack of fees, lack of family support, not rhyming with teachers and the school, poor performance in exams, problems with alcohol, low self-esteem, insecurities, bad food, boring classes, cold mornings, broken heart, friends who talk behind your back. And more. This book does not make those problems go away. Nothing ever does. It tries to look for what you can do. It inspires you to take action.

The one thing that makes this book different is that it is about you and me in high school. What makes us unstoppable? Each chapter of this book answers that question with a collection of principles, stories, to do thing, quotes, points to recall, anecdotes, stories, moments, friendships, all pierced up together to help you be unstoppable in your journey to excellence. It goes beyond excelling in exams but also in sports, clubs and character. It has ten chapters, well chosen to respond to your life in high school.

We invite you to dream with us. We invite you to walk with us through your high school journey. After this book, you will know:

1. How to excel in high school.

2. The virtues required to be excellent.

3. How to set goals and have a game plan from examples of successful people.

4. Why you need mentors and how to choose them.

5. The power of friends and teams.

6. How to win in the world of choices.

7. Why and how to study.

8. How to revise and shine in exams.

9. Why you should be in clubs and sports and how to excel in them.

10. Know to excel in your life beyond high school.

This can be the beginning on your journey to excellence. You can be unstoppable!

Rosemary and Tim, 2010